
14 July, 2011


  What's in a name? that which we call a rose
      By any other name would smell as sweet...

      - Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

weed: Any undesirable or troublesome plant, especially one that grows profusely where it is not wanted.  -

What really deems a weed to be forever forsaken as a weed?  It must just be invasive.  But there are many things that are invasive not concerned a bad weed, i.e. bamboo or mint.  So why are certain plants weeds? 

Here are some recent finds of mine that have been marked as weeds.  Aren't they pretty in their own right? 

Left: a skunk weed, that does stink terribly! 

Below: a beautiful blooming weed which I don't know the name of next to a dandelion.  Brilliant color and pretty to boot!  

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