
19 August, 2011

plan b.

Sometimes the unexpected can be great but still tough to swallow.  Dave and I were lucky to land a beautiful house in a fabulous location for our "plan b". 
The home and place is beautiful - called the Encantada place or "Enchanting" in espanol.  It truly is a breathtaking, lovely place that has the Rio Grande running through it two places.  Water so clear it's begging for you to jump in on a warm day, just daring you to brave baring your skin to the bugs for a simple refreshing moment! 

The neighbors have been great - several mama deer and their fawns, a few hawks, three bucks with theirs antlers still in velvet and more cottontail bunnies and chipmunks to count!  The only human neighbors we have delivered delicious chocolate chip cookies after we moved in!  So all and all, Plan B will be just fine for now! 

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