
15 January, 2013

and i'm back.

Wow.  Over eight months - I've missed this.  So I've freshened the space up a bit - make sure to check out my updated "about" page.  To be completely honest after being gone for such a length of time I'm overwhelmed with where to start.  But here we go... just gonna jump in!

First off, my darling baby girl, Elly, was born super early - proving from the beginning that she is the boss.  Not that I would have ever doubted that.  I won't go into the details yet or maybe ever on this blog.  I am not sure how to summarize the crazy time and proceeding 76 days with Elly in the NICU.  Faith, family and friends (new and old) provided such strength during those tiring days.  What I can tell you is that I am so unbelievably grateful and blown away by my little angel!

I've been blessed to stay home with Elly since bringing her home in July.  I have loved this time together but look forward to the blog and the projects included as my "mommy" time.  Because of RSV and flu season we have been in hibernation mode leading to a few moments of severe cabin fever for us all.  All the time at home has reminded me that our decor needs a lot of help.  And storage, we desperately need some.  So I have put these goals on my agenda and will plan to share the progress - as Elly allows.

I hope you enjoy and I am very happy to be back.  My next post will include a new recipe for butternut squash soup... yummy!


1 comment:

  1. Hi, new follower here, I also had pre terms, I don't think it's a very easily discribed experience. Mine are now 15 months actual, twins boys. Thought we were safe over the Australian summer months but we only got the brief 2 months of health, back to hospital visits stats machines oxygen ventalin steroids etc. :/ I hear it gets better and easier and I had started to believe it till today ha thrown into it again. I found you via your guest post tute for the chevron pillow! Cute pillow and gorgeous bubba girl!
