
04 July, 2011

independence day.

Independence day.  It can mean so much but to me this year it symbolizes the freedom from constraints.  Constraints put on us by society but most importantly those we put on ourselves.  Isn't freedom disconcerting at times, it means we truly have the power to be completely ourselves.  But that is a challenge in itself.  How many of us are really, honestly completely ourselves in day to day life?   

After losing all your material items you realize you can almost redefine yourself through the items you purchase or maybe those you don't.  Rarely does this opportunity arise in adulthood.  A chance to make sure you are on the path you really want.  As I am still embarking on my new life as a "cowgirl" I can vouch for one thing only - that you must take the chance.  Because only after taking the gamble can you truly know - whether the results are good or bad - what can really make you happy.   

Thank you to all the men and women for current and past service to our country.  Without your dedication and sacrifice we wouldn't have such a luxury and challenge to fulfill everyday. 

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