
21 June, 2011

like Forrest said.

 "Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." Forrest in Forrest Gump

Suddenly this quote which I've always loved has so much more meaning.  Life really is like a box of chocolates.  No matter how much time you spend considering each step or bite in life unexpected things are always thrown in.  Perhaps your sibling switches the chocolate covered cherry with the orange nugget.  Just because they are like that so it doesn't matter how much you map out your choice.  And sometimes you plan on a home being your 'forever' home but the road of destiny offers a different plan.  Just because it's like that.

In recent days I've been considering this... is the first unexpected bite or the after taste of the wrong piece that's worse or could it be neither?  As much as we don't appreciate biting into the wrong chocolate or starting over on an aspect of life the first bite or the after taste won't kill you as long as you keep on chewing.  And maybe, just maybe, if we're open to it we'll find that the unexpected really isn't so bad after all! 

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