
15 February, 2013

jean scraps: reveal.

My ingenious idea of dying the jean scraps with my beets was not so genius after all.  I let it soak for two days and the stuff was borderline neon purple when I removed it.  It was so purple I was a little nervous and crossed my fingers it would fade into a lavender color.  Well, it faded alright.  Right back to bleached denim.  Bummer.

After feeling defeated for a while I decided to try out my made up pattern for a denim, frayed edge clutch.  Justifying the uninspiring fabric it could be a test that became a makeup bag if I didn't like it enough to give away for a friends upcoming birthday.

So, without further ado - ta-da!

I asked Dave what he thought - his only comment, "Sure looks flat...".  Well heck.  I'm still not sure.  One of those projects I'll likely just stew about until I can move on and forget about it!

Anyhow, a dear friend had a birthday and she's just the type of gal that I knew would appreciate it.  She wouldn't judge or criticize my "flat" purse and we could laugh about projects we had done that just didn't work out.  To fill out the bag I added a little homemade body scrub and body oil - those I couldn't mess up!

Sorry for the bad pictures - can you tell I was running late?  You should have seen the mess strewn around it, I thought about posting that picture but my mother-in-law reads this blog.  Some things Mom just doesn't need to see.  :-)

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