
11 March, 2013

furniture repair.

I officially have spring fever!  Even though it's been pretty chilly on and off I can't stop cleaning.  Unfortunately once a surface is clean I've been finding things that need a little more than dusting!  When we moved the above end table during my front room re-model the bottom shelf completely fell out.  An overhaul on this table was a long time coming as it was my Gaba's and has seen it's share of abuse from small hands.  For example, the large glass ring that I intentionally left on the top from my brother.  It's sentimental - I even asked for his permission to sand the table at all.  He's practical and didn't care.  I'm not so practical I guess.  :)

Dave got sweet talked into helping so the project went faster and I may have promised would allow the front room to be functional sooner.  I better get on that!  Elly hung out in her stroller while which seems to be the best use of this city stroller thus far, see my bumpy ride post for details.  

In hind sight I could have sanded the table a little more but I didn't want something that looked 'new'.  It wouldn't fit in with our other damaged shabby chic furniture.  I think it looks great after receiving a few teak oil coats and wax.  A small corner of sanity in my disaster zone.  

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