
13 June, 2011

out of ashes.

How to finish that thought?  Out of ashes comes... perspective, heartwarming tingles and faith.  One month since we lost our home to fire and it still seems fresh and overwhelming but yet so distant.  Still like a dream or nightmare in many ways.  Above is a picture of our old "yellow house" I thought I should share our charming house that was. 

Perspective.  I now have a new understanding of a "bad" day.  I used to let small trials ruin my day but I now understand what a truly bad day is and I also know that it can get worse than losing everything you own to fire.  The bottom line is that something you 'own' really has no importance in the grand scheme of life. 

Heartwarming tingles.  Sadly it is often in tragedy that we notice all the support we have.  Think of the last funeral you attended, were you overwhelmed and heart warmed by the kindness and support?  I challenge us all to take a moment and recognize the encouragement and strength you have from those loved ones around you.  We shouldn't wait until these sad moments to realize all the special people in our lives. 

Faith.  Whether you believe in God or karma or the moon... I have a strengthened belief that faith must be a part of recovery.  Without faith in the future it's impossible to look at tomorrow. 

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