
29 April, 2013

irrigation 2013.

Irrigation season has begun - meaning spring is truly here and the summer scramble of busy farmers and ranchers begins.  My Dad is a work-a-holic on the ranch but even he feels like spring is the worst season because you just can't get everything done.  

Part of our living arrangement includes taking care of the Encantada's water in trade for the house which Dave has taken on.  Dave has really enjoyed taking care of the water and this portion of the ranch in general.  It's truly a magical spot.  Dave has been able to learn a lot about the management of water and has proven he's no longer that city guy I met all those years ago :)

Elly and I have gone out with him a few times as the wind allows.  The wind here is incredible and I'm probably totally over protective and just can't stand taking Elly out in the wind.  Hopefully as it warms up we'll continue to get more outings because Mama needs to lose some baby weight.  Eek, that's an entirely different story.

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