
02 January, 2011

welcome 2011.

We enjoyed a delightful week with family for much eating, drinking and good times.  It was a perfect way to spend the final moments of 2010 while preparing for the excitement and promises of 2011.  Christmas with most of my family was lovely - I practiced my cribbage game and avoided some infamous homemade wine.  We crossed a stormy Wolf Creek pass to spend a few days over New Years Eve in Pagosa Springs with Dave's family.  Some hot hours in the natural hot springs and a chilling afternoon on snowmobile and sled.  After a toast to ring in the new year we proceeded to dance the night away - I had forgotten how fun it was to be swung around the floor, no matter how misplaced my steps might be! 

To 2011... can't believe you're here but I can't wait to see what you entail!  I challenge myself to everyday appreciate that I am living my dream, to sweat more and keep my eye on the horizon...